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IntraMedia provides the complete Internet Solution, integrating Web Design with Internet Marketing to acheive success on the Web.
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About Web Design

Web Design Professions

Web Design Professions outlines the various web design disciplines that are necessary to master in order to produce a successful website on the Internet.

The About Web Design section is intended to help clarify some of the misinterpretations and misconceptions about web design and related topics.
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About Web Design

Web Design Professions

Web Design ProfessionsThe term, "Web Design" suggests a very broad topic which encompasses many different elements. Sometimes confusion may arise about just what "Web Design" really means.

The word, "Web" is a modern colloquialism for the Internet, much like its similes, "Information Superhighway" and, "the Net". There are very specific protocols that are implied with the term, but those are thought of less frequently as more people gain access and do more with this medium.

The word, "design" on the other hand, traditionally refers to the artistic process. The mastery of technical skills, combined with the ability to create original concepts is required to implement ideas into the medium in which the designer is working.

When you think about the background behind these words, you can see how "Web Design" is more like "Internet Design" and that it's not always as simple as generating a standalone document. Often times, people not only misunderstand the meaning of, "Web Design" but they also underestimate just how much work is required.

Some of the professions that fall within the realm of the Web Design professions include:

  • Website Designer
  • Graphic Designer (digital media)
  • Logo Designer
  • User Interface Designer
  • Content Manager
  • Content Author
  • Information Architecture Engineer
  • Flash Designer / Actionscript Developer
  • Website Developer / Website Programmer
  • Online Application Developer
  • Quality Assurance Tester
  • Internet Marketing Campaign Manager
  • Search Engine Marketing Professional
  • Search Engine Optimization Specialist
  • Webmaster

A single web designer will try to do all of these jobs simultaneously, with limited results. A more effective way of handling the situation is to work with a company that has the resources to handle these tasks and the know-how to merge them efficiently. IntraMedia is a company that has the staff, resources and experience to integrate all of these relevant elements together to create a successful Internet presence.

For more information about other web design topics or website design services, please visit the web design area or select from the list below.

IntraMedia Web Design - Innovative Website Design Solutions Since 1999.
  IntraMedia® Web Design & Internet Marketing - Innovative Website Design & Progressive Internet Marketing Solutions Since 1999.
About Web Design
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Get quality website visitors to your website with IntraMedia's targeted Internet marketing services.
IntraMedia® Web Design & Internet Marketing - Innovative Website Design & Progressive Internet Marketing Solutions Since 1999.  
(H) Home | IntraMedia Main Website - IntraMedia is the trusted source for innovative Website Design & progressive Internet Marketing Solutions Since 1999. (D) Design | IntraMedia Website Design - IntraMedia Web Design Solutions create a compelling Internet Presence & utilizes our innovative Display Relative Design Technology. (M) Marketing | IntraMedia Internet Marketing - IntraMedia Internet Marketing Solutions create the visibility your website deserves & increase Search Engine performance.
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